Check On It!
This is really starting to get really strange. I'm starting to see how sneaky this guy really is. Then again it's really hard to be sneaky when I'm really waiting for him to revert back to his old ways. I didn't have too wait long. Yesterday, I caught the guy looking around for me. LOOKING FOR ME! This is basically because Angie alerted the guy to my presence. It's actually quite funny watching the guys head move around real quick trying to find me, and when he finally does, he's finds me looking right at him with the biggest smirk on my face(basically saying "yeah, big boy, you've been caught red handed). Then he just looks away really quickly and stares at the floor. It was freakin awesome. It's true. I do get easily amused at times. This is the first time I've gotten the one up on him in a long time, and it's all basically because he wasn't paying attention when I passed him in the first place. Maybe that was because he was actually WORKING. I know it's a novel concept when it comes to him.
The thing is that no matter how much he tries to get people to think that he's a homophobe, Beyonce's song "Check On it" basically describes how I'm treating him right now. If you haven't heard that song you should take a listen. I know he likes what he see's. It's also known to just about everyone who knows what going on that he wants a taste, but I'm making him chase it for a while, only because he's being so silly. I know that it's kind of a screwed up thing to do but, he's kind of deserved it after some of the shit that he's done. A lot of which I haven't mentioned because this damn blog is long enough as it is.
I said before that I was willing to play games just as much as he is. And I haven't even started yet. I just hope that he checks on it soon because as I've said before, I don't like playing games, and I've got the feeling that I'm going to bore of this really quickly.