Non-Titled Rant
Wow! I've been reading my own post in this blog and I just realized how much of a toal jackass I must sound with some of the things that I've said. I mean I know I'm not the best looking guy with the perfect body out there. And god knows that I do have my fair share of flaws. Those things were just what I was thinking at the time. Well, I shouldn't say at the time because I my views on those things haven't changed. I guess maybe they seem a lot nastier in print then they did when I actually was thinking it. I don't know. It just that I've always lived by the thought that you have to give respect in order to get. I don't know if I disrespected anyone or not, but this blog is basically a vent place to me. A lot of it may sound funny but maybe that's how i deal with things that bother me.
I'm almost 31 y/o now. Maybe it's that I'm growing up. Then again I don't think that's it. I don't know....I'm not going to stop this though. I'll keep doing it. Maybe it'll help me be more self-aware. God knows that all of us could probably use that